What is a Postpartum Doula?

Bringing home a new baby is one of life’s most thrilling events. It’s also a big change that can prove challenging whether you’re bringing home your first baby or your sixth. I am honored to support mothers and families through my work as a maternity photographer and holistic esthetician in the Rochester/Ithaca area. And I am so excited to expand my services as a postpartum doula!

postpartum doula caring for new baby

What is a Postpartum Doula

A postpartum doula’s role is to mother the mother. As an Ithaca doula, I’ll be able to provide you with:

Hands-on Support

This includes things like meal planning, cooking, housekeeping, and tending to siblings, so you can focus on caring for your precious infant and recovering from the birth. Figuring out a new routine takes time. A postpartum doula can help you and the rest of your family with the transition.

Emotional Nurturing

The postpartum experience is different for everyone, and it’s very common to experience postpartum depression, overwhelm, or just emotional ups and downs as you adjust to having a new baby. As a postpartum doula, I can be there for you. I’m happy to take care of baby’s needs when you need a break, give you some pampering, and help you feel supported.

Guidance and Education

Having a new baby is a learning curve—even if you’re an experienced parent. If you need help with breastfeeding, soothing techniques, or other aspects of infant care, a doula can offer support and guidance. There are so many resources to help new mothers. As your doula, I can connect you with whatever resources and education you need to support you in your role as a parent.

Mother seated by window breastfeeding newborn

Learn More About Postpartum Care

I am truly so excited to be able to offer new mothers the ultimate postpartum care. Reach out and let’s meet for tea, go for a stroll, or just chat over the phone about how I can support you after the birth of your sweet little one. And in the meantime, please feel free to explore the site. I hope you enjoy all the amazing experiences in wellness and photography that Norabloom has to offer expecting mothers!

Love, Holly

Learn more about me

I love my family, my community, and my craft. On this JOY journey, I decided to be unapologetically me. I am embracing all my passions. I am the founder of Norabloom, a holistic esthetician, certified integrative nutrition health coach, yoga teacher, reiki practitioner, and a photographer. 

I founded Norabloom 24 years ago as a stellar little skin spa with my own line of small batch botanical beauty products. As the years passed, I reconnected with my love of art and photography when my daughter was pregnant with her little one, yes I am a proud (young) grandma! I am doing all the things I love rolled into one ~ Norabloom!

I'm Holly!

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