The Maternity Portrait Experience with Norabloom

Pregnancy is a beautiful thing, but it doesn’t always feel that way. While you may be lucky enough to have glowing, radiant skin, luxurious locks, and cute bump, you may also experience some downsides. Swollen ankles, stretching skin, and a rollercoaster of emotions are also very common as you prepare for that little bundle of love. Whether you’re struggling to look and feel your best during your pregnancy—or absolutely rocking it—you deserve a maternity portrait experience that can help you capture this time in a way that is unique and beautiful.

Why Invest in Maternity Portraits?

The maternity portrait experience with Norabloom provides an artful and delicate way to document the experience of carrying a new little life inside you.

No matter what your unique experience looks like, I still believe—100 percent!—that you are going to want those maternity photos. Believe it or not, you really will miss that bump. During pregnancy, you are literally growing a new life. Your child is completely dependent on you. Having photos to look back on this magical time.

When is the Best Time to Schedule a Maternity Session?

The best time to document your pregnancy is between 27 and 34 weeks. The third trimester is perfect because you’re past the woozy phase and your bump is nice and big—perfect for showing off in photos! Some maternity photographers recommend a smaller window, but I know that every mother is different, and a more flexible timeframe gives us wiggle room if we need to reschedule.

What’s Included:

All of our maternity photo sessions include hair and makeup, plus access to our exclusive client wardrobe. You’ll also receive a free session guide as a gift with your package.

Portrait packages offered by Norabloom maternity/newborn photographer and spa

However, because every mother is different, the maternity portrait experience should be unique to you. You are welcome to keep this experience all to yourself, include your spouse and children, or combine your maternity session with some pampering here at our Ithaca spa—whatever would make your portrait experience extra special.

Mind, Belly, and Spirit for Expecting Mothers

Melt the stress and enjoy some pampering, mama. You deserve it! We offer a one-of-a-kind prenatal experience for you and your little blessing. First, an aromatic foot bath with gentle exfoliation. Next, enjoy being swaddled in a warm blanket while you enjoy a full body rubdown with warm organic calendula oil. And last, finish off with a relaxing and holistic Norabloom facial with an organic wild honey mask.

See more of our spa offerings here.

Your Artwork

Once you’ve decided to invest in the maternity portrait experience, the next question on your mind is probably, “When will I get to see my photos?”

I shoot film and digital, so turnaround time is 3-5 weeks (since film takes some time to process). You will likely be able to view and select your images before your little bundle of joy arrives. And speaking of baby—did you know I offer a LUXE package? This includes 3 sessions, so we can document not just your pregnancy, but also your little one in all their newborn sweetness, as well as milestones later on.

Learn More

Ready to experience the luxury of a Norabloom maternity portrait session? Let’s meet for tea, take a stroll, or hop on a phone call to plan your next Norabloom experience.

Love, Holly

Learn more about me

I love my family, my community, and my craft. On this JOY journey, I decided to be unapologetically me. I am embracing all my passions. I am the founder of Norabloom, a holistic esthetician, certified integrative nutrition health coach, yoga teacher, reiki practitioner, and a photographer. 

I founded Norabloom 24 years ago as a stellar little skin spa with my own line of small batch botanical beauty products. As the years passed, I reconnected with my love of art and photography when my daughter was pregnant with her little one, yes I am a proud (young) grandma! I am doing all the things I love rolled into one ~ Norabloom!

I'm Holly!

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