Infant Massage Benefits

You love a good massage yourself, but have you ever heard of infant massage? This is an ancient practice in many cultures. Massage is one of the first and best ways you can provide stimuli and a demonstration of love to your newborn. Here are the basics of infant massage benefits and how you can get started with some help from Norabloom.

baby being massaged by mother

Benefits of Infant Massage

Bonding – Gentle touch is one of the best ways to bond with your infant. The act of massaging is an opportunity for you and your baby to engage and tune into each other. Physical expressions of love are a beautiful way to strengthen your blossoming relationship.

Relaxation – There’s nothing more relaxing than a massage! Both you and your baby will enjoy this time to be with each other and let the little tensions of the day go with gentle, soothing touch. For fussy babies, massage can also help decrease irritability and crying—a win for mom and dad as well.

Stimulation – Infant massage encourages muscle development and tone. It also stimulates both left and right brain functions, promoting baby’s cognitive and emotional development.

Regulation – Gas, colic, and tummy discomfort are common problems for many babies. One of the benefits of infant massage is that it helps regulate baby’s digestive and respiratory system, helping their tiny body to function smoothly.

Norabloom Infant Massage

Ready to try infant massage benefits for yourself? Our Lullaby Experience for mother and newborn is the perfect place to start. Join me in my Ithaca, NY spa location. I’ll teach you simple infant massage techniques using warm organic calendula oil to soothe your tiny bundle of joy. To make sure you’re relaxed too, we’ll do this while you enjoy an aromatic foot bath with gentle foot exfoliation. Next, cuddle and snuggle your little sweetie close to your heart while you relax with a Norabloom holistic face massage.

If you’d like to learn more infant massage benefits, want to capture your little one’s first days with a luxury newborn photoshoot, or are interested in holistic mother and baby products to feel balanced and beautiful at home, please get in touch. Let’s hop on a phone call, meet for tea, or take a stroll together as we plan your next Norabloom experience.

Love, Holly

Learn more about me

I love my family, my community, and my craft. On this JOY journey, I decided to be unapologetically me. I am embracing all my passions. I am the founder of Norabloom, a holistic esthetician, certified integrative nutrition health coach, yoga teacher, reiki practitioner, and a photographer. 

I founded Norabloom 24 years ago as a stellar little skin spa with my own line of small batch botanical beauty products. As the years passed, I reconnected with my love of art and photography when my daughter was pregnant with her little one, yes I am a proud (young) grandma! I am doing all the things I love rolled into one ~ Norabloom!

I'm Holly!

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