The female body is an incredible thing. And part of what makes it so amazing are the hormones that are constantly changing with the seasons of our lives to keep our bodies functioning at their powerful best.
However, when our hormones get out of balance, it can lead to problems, including mood swings, sleep problems, weight gain, and lack of energy. As a holistic esthetician, I know that beauty is more than skin-deep, and I am a big believer in nurturing your whole self and balancing your hormones so you can look and feel your best. To that end, here are 3 simple changes you can incorporate into your diet to get you closer to eating for optimal hormonal health.

3 Simple Dietary Changes Towards Eating for Optimal Hormonal Health
Choose Organic when Possible
Pesticides may help to save crops from damage, but they don’t do the same for our bodies. The chemicals used in conventional farming can play havoc with your hormones, so choose organic food options whenever possible. If eating organic all the time is too expensive, follow the Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen to make sure that you spend the extra money where it will do the most good.
Eat Enough Protein
Protein is an important ingredient that your body uses to build hormones. It also helps to stabilize your blood sugar and lower your hunger hormone so that you’re more aware of when you’ve eaten enough. Again, choose organic when possible, and opt for grass-fed meats over grain-fed. If you’re vegan/vegetarian, or just want to reduce your consumption of animal products, there are plenty of plant-based protein options too, including lentils, beans, and edamame.
Don’t Be Afraid of Healthy Fats
As women, we experience a lot of cultural pressure to be a certain weight. Maybe because of this, we sometimes avoid fat in our diet at all costs. But healthy fats are crucial to producing the hormones that keep the female body in balance. Healthy fats are found in avocados, nuts and seeds, fatty fish, and extra virgin olive oil, among others, so be sure to include these types of foods regularly to reap their many health benefits.
Optimal Hormonal Health for Women
These three simple tips for eating for optimal hormonal health are easy to incorporate and can make a world of difference to how you feel! If you’re interested in doing more to empower your body and care for yourself in a way that’s holistic and nurturing, download my Women’s Guide for Optimal Hormonal Health, or get in touch and let’s plan a relaxing and empowering experience with Norabloom.