Sweet Baby Ballerina

This session was created straight from my heart. My grand love, also known as “bunny”- recently started talking about ballerinas and tutus. This melts my heart because ballet was such huge part of my very own childhood.

She has definitely taken after her Gram- we spend most of our days twirling. Dancing is just built in our day.

All my sessions start as a sketch in my art journal. I draw all my concepts out to get a feel for how things with flow together. I found the tutu from Noralees’s Summer Collection. I paid a pretty penny for the tutu dress but honesty- it was the sweetest tutu complete with feathers. How could I resist?

The pink satin book is a French book, purchased from a fellow photographer who travels to France often. Her rose gold slippers were conveniently found on Amazon.

Her headpiece is handmade by yours truly. It took about 15 mins. Flowers on the clearance section of craft store, a glue gun, and a prayer.

These photos melt my heart. I will cherish these forever.

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Love, Holly

Learn more about me

I love my family, my community, and my craft. On this JOY journey, I decided to be unapologetically me. I am embracing all my passions. I am the founder of Norabloom, a holistic esthetician, certified integrative nutrition health coach, yoga teacher, reiki practitioner, and a photographer. 

I founded Norabloom 24 years ago as a stellar little skin spa with my own line of small batch botanical beauty products. As the years passed, I reconnected with my love of art and photography when my daughter was pregnant with her little one, yes I am a proud (young) grandma! I am doing all the things I love rolled into one ~ Norabloom!

I'm Holly!

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