Natural and Holistic Cleaning Rituals for Your Home | Spring Cleaning with Norabloom

I don’t know about you, but around this time of year I always start craving the fresh air and new life of spring. We may not be able to do anything about the weather, but here are a few quick tips for getting ready for that rejuvenation with some natural and holistic cleaning rituals for your home.

Choose Natural Cleaning Products

First things first: It’s time to phase out the Windex, Tide pods, and Clorox bathroom cleaners. Chemical-based cleaning products like these often contain neurotoxins, hormone disrupters, and carcinogens that can negatively affect your health, both short and long-term. If you really want a clean home that supports your holistic health, it makes sense to choose clean and natural products.

Here are a few of my favorite non-toxic brands for cleaning supplies:

  • Seventh Generation
  • Aunt Frannie’s
  • Attitude
  • Aspen

Start Slow

Holistic living is a journey. It takes time, so rather than feeling overwhelmed as you try to make too many changes at once, take it slow. Each time one of your current cleaning products runs out, replace it with a natural and non-toxic version. Eventually, you’ll be using only healthful products to clean your home—and how good will that feel!?

Natural and holistic cleaning rituals for your home

Turn Cleaning into a Holistic Ritual

Living holistically means embracing and caring for all parts of yourself. Your home environment can have a huge impact on how you feel in your mind, body, and soul. Rather than look at spring cleaning (or everyday cleaning) as a never-ending chore, see if you can turn it into a supportive ritual. Maybe this means listening to music while you clean, using a bit of aromatherapy mist as you finish each room, or letting yourself sit still for a minute and admire your handiwork when you’ve finished your cleaning task for the day.

You don’t have to wait for spring to do some spring cleaning! Every day is the perfect time to start fresh. I hope these few simple tips are helpful as you create your own natural and holistic cleaning rituals for your home!

If you’d like to learn more about limiting your exposure to toxins, I have a whole section dedicated to this in my Women’s Guide to Optimal Hormonal Health, available for purchase here. And if you would love more tips on holistic living, simply subscribe to my email list to receive your free Guide to a Holistic Lifestyle for the little lifestyle tweaks that can help you embrace natural, holistic living at its best.

Love, Holly

Learn more about me

I love my family, my community, and my craft. On this JOY journey, I decided to be unapologetically me. I am embracing all my passions. I am the founder of Norabloom, a holistic esthetician, certified integrative nutrition health coach, yoga teacher, reiki practitioner, and a photographer. 

I founded Norabloom 24 years ago as a stellar little skin spa with my own line of small batch botanical beauty products. As the years passed, I reconnected with my love of art and photography when my daughter was pregnant with her little one, yes I am a proud (young) grandma! I am doing all the things I love rolled into one ~ Norabloom!

I'm Holly!

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